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5 wellness activities in the spring

Spring, when the sun is gradually shining longer and the temperatures are rising, is the perfect time of the year to start doing certain outdoor sporting activities again. Spring is also a good time for relaxation.
Spring is the perfect time for people to explore new ways to increase their energy. Here are some ideas of personal care to celebrate this season.

Spring is known to be a season that brings new signs of life and energy. This is actually the ideal time for people to improve their personal lives. The following activities can help people relax and feel healthier.

Walk in nature
A good way to relax and enjoy the spring is to discover nature. A short walk or sitting on the veranda can provide a positive distraction and a way to forget the everyday stress of life.

For those who cannot venture outside, we recommend to open a window for a sweet sunny day to cool the air. Listen to the song of birds and other animals that live outdoors.

Walking, cycling and hiking are good ways to promote personal energy and prepare yourself to be in shape for summer. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise.


Spring cleaning is coming and you start taking out the garden tools. Guess what happens. Several of you have back pain when bending!

Everyone knows that there are rules to lift weights properly (by bending your knees) and do not lift objects that are too heavy.

Even if everybody sat, statistics show that most people do not care. According to estimates, about 60 to 80% of adults suffer from some form of back injury at some point in their lives. The reason is simple: It is difficult not to use the back.

Most people are surprised to discover that not just the heavy lifting is causing the trouble. It is not unusual for someone, especially an elderly person, to tell a doctor or a chiropractor that he or she does not understand why he/she has a bad back when only bent to pick up a pencil. This pain comes from a series of 'strains', rather than a severe trauma, such as lifting a heavy load. Most people abuse their bodies.

Start the morning ritual

Starting a new relaxing ritual is a great way to start the day. Here are some ideas for the morning rituals of personal care:

• Wake up 30 minutes earlier and take time to relax and enjoy the morning before starting the usual daily routine.
• Replace your morning coffee or tea with a healthy drink.
• Take time to read something inspirational, humorous or to meditate.
• Start writing a gratitude journal, to show your appreciation for all that happens to you.
• Listen to music while getting dressed for the morning routine.

Spring Cleaning
Although the task itself can be regarded as tedious, the de-cluttering can be lifesaving. Getting rid of unused items can free up space to put new more relevant things in our lives. Once the house is airy and freshly scrubbed, we feel more comfortable inviting someone into our home, which may open the door to new friendships.

Despite most of us looking at cleaning and personal discipline as chores, it is important to realize that our home and our way of life play an important role in our lives. If we live in a dirty, cluttered place we feel stuck, without control over our lives, and perhaps depressed. If, however, we live in a clean, well-organized place, we will enhance our mood, we feel independent and confident. Our house is the reflection of the person we are.

Activities such as formatting and spring cleaning help people develop healthy lifestyles and to get rid of old habits.

Nourish your body
Nourishing your body with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will provide essential nutrients to maintain good physical health by strengthening the immune system. The World Health Organization stated in an article entitled Nutrition and Health that better nutrition leads to a stronger immune system, less illnesses and better health. The benefits of this choice can have lasting positive results.
Published on 17.09. by
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