With the advances of medicine physicians developed different kind of massages to deal with different needs. Since a massage is an enjoyable form of therapy without side effects, massages got very popular in the health and wellness field. In order to know which type of massage will be best for yourself or for healing a particular complaint, you can learn about the method and its effect. If your aim is to relax the muscles and the soul as well, you could opt for a type of massage such as kneading or vibration massage, which you can even apply yourself with a massager. However, massages also help to relieve pain caused by tension. For this purpose, you can massage the affected area directly and benefit of the combination with Hot Stones or infrared heat.
This leads us to the Shiatsu massage, a kind of massage that targets specific areas. During a Shiatsu massage, the hands, fingers, elbows, knees or feet of the person applying the massage perform a certain pressure on specific points of the body. This helps to release energy blockages inside the body. In addition, a longer-term shiatsu therapy includes much more because Shiatsu understands the body and soul as a unit. Shiatsu is used not only for treating, but also as a preventive method.
Types of massageNowadays we know about many types of massage, which are used for treating various ailments or parts of the body. Massage is probably as old as humanity itself, because we instinctively react on many sudden complaints with putting our hand on the area and massaging it. Shiatsu, which has a millennia-old tradition in the Far East, is now recognized and practised even in the western world. Reflexology is used specifically on the hands or feet. There are so many different types of massage and their effects are also different!
Stimulating or relaxingMassage is very effective when it comes to release tension, muscle aches, headaches, back pain or even stress and sleep problems. Whether a massage has a stimulating or relaxing effect, depends very much on the depth and on the speed of the massaging movement. A rapid tapping massage with the hands will revive the treated area and a gentle kneading massage will have a relaxing effect. In addition, massage also has the positive effect of opening your "ears" to what your body needs. You can listen more closely, what your body appreciates, and pay more attention to the areas that need attention.
Many people do not have the chance to see a masseur on a regular basis, because of lack of time, money or other reasons. In such cases, you can benefit from a selection of different devices for a massage in your own home. The variety ranges from mini massagers to complete massage seats. When the massage is applied by another person however, it offers the advantage of the possibility to use various aids such as essential oils or hot stones to combine with the massage. Why are massages so effective? First, the application of a dynamic or flowing pressure to the skin and muscles promotes the blood circulation in the treated area. At the same time, the body can relax while sitting or lying, and the breathing can slow down and be deeper. Reflexology not only has an effect on the reflex zones, which are connected to specific body parts. This type of massage also improves the blood supply as well as the function of the nerve impulses. However, you should avoid massaging areas with skin diseases or infectious rashes, bruises, varicose veins, thrombosis, arthritis, swellings or tumours. After a busy, stressful day, the body is longing for a massage that will help it to relax. Massages applied by hand can be very relaxing and comforting. Electrical massagers can also promote relaxation by offering a specific treatment for a period of 15-20 minutes in the area that needs attention. The appointments, pressure and stress of everyday life no longer count during those moments, only the well-being of the body. Published on 17.09. by Mobile massagers Self massage is a good way to reduce stress and relieve tension. With our mobile massagers, you can achieve this all over your body! Hot Stone Therapy The use of hot stones is well-known as a healing technique by the Indian and Chinese people. Using massage and heat, certain parts of the body are stimulated which enhances the flow of warmth to the body's energy centres. Hot Stone Therapy can be used to release tension which is caused by stress, muscle ache and fatigue. Massage mats Massage mats are the perfect addition to every body care collection. Easily transportable, you can use them at home, at work, or on the road. Massage cushions These cushions provide targeted heat, massage or relaxing vibration and are especially flexible in use. Foot Massagers Your feet hold up your body weight all day long. They deserve a bit of extra attention at the end of the day, and a foot massager is the perfect solution. Seat Massager Optimize your time in front of the television or sitting in your work chair. Simply plop yourself onto your portable seat massager and you'll melt away muscle tension while you relax or work. |
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