- HumanCharger
- Adactive
- Arctic Team
- Baumfründ
- Beurer
- Bio Depiless
- Boso
- Contech
- Damascena
- DNAvibe
- Dr. Ho
- Duux
- E.COOLINE Pervormance
- Ecomed by Medisana
- Edelsept, Produits Dentaires
- Fitness Pants
- GoForm
- Helfe
- Homedics
- Huber Sohlen by Promed
- Hukka Design
- Innojok Innolux Innosol
- Medicool diabetes
- Medicool Nail
- Medisana
- MoserMed
- Omron
- Pjama
- Porei Sleepy
- Professional Nail Bits
- Promed by Medisana
- Promed Nail
- Promed Shoes
- Promed Stockings
- Promed TENS
- Spina Bac
- Storage-King
- Swiss Bio-Pads
- Swissdepil, Switzerland
- SwissVitalWorld
- Turbo Med
- Valkee
- Vitility Care
- Walter's Pflegehand
- Wellnessproducts.ch
- WellO2
Filopur has over 40 years of experience in the field of water filtration. The patented Filopur products are designed and manufactured in Switzerland and products are tested and certified by the Swiss Association of Gas and Water.
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- Safe shopping: Payment with TWINT, credit card, Paypal or Postfinance
- Warehouse in Switzerland (Widnau SG)