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Wellnessproducts > Pain relief with Pelvision

Lichen sclerosis

This disease can possibly lead to scarring. However, there are ways to prevent a narrowing of the vaginal opening.
© Jacek Chabraszewski - Fotolia.com
© Jacek Chabraszewski - Fotolia.com
Lichen sclerosis is a painful condition that affects the skin around the vulva and the vagina. The symptoms include thinning of the skin, white spots, whitening of the vulva, itching, a burning sensation, bleeding and pain during intercourse.

Serious cases of lichen sclerosis can result in scarring. These scars can cause a narrowing of the vagina opening, which can make sexual intercourse difficult and very painful.
The Feminaform vaginal dilator set can be used to dilate the vagina opening in a controlled manner.
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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