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Postoperative pains, scar pains, phantom limb pain, stump pain

Depending on the source, the pains that can occur after surgery fall into individual categories. Phantom limb and stump pain, for example, can occur after an amputation of a body part.
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Phantom pain is the perception of pain in the lost body part. Stump pain can be felt directly in the stump. This can have specific causes such as circulatory disorders, scar pains, bone spurs. However, the pains may also occur as a result of an ill-fitting prosthesis. While these pains also repeatedly occur a long time after the surgery, postoperative pains are acute pains after surgery. It's the body responding to the injured tissue. This pain can subside within just a few days after the surgery. Besides a pain therapy with drugs, alternative, scientifically recognized forms of therapy, which prove themselves especially effective in treating long lasting pain, for they eliminate the side effects of drugs, are also available. These forms of therapy include TENS - the electric stimulation therapy. TENS therapy has proven especially successful in the treatment of phantom limb pain. A rapid treatment is beneficial when it comes to scar pains in order to prevent a chronic pain syndrome from occurring. Recommended is the combination of a connective tissue treatment with the sensorimotor body therapy according to Dr. Pohl© with TENS for pain relief. Here, the blood circulation-promoting effect of TENS is also of advantage, which contributes to a rapid healing process.
Published on 17.09. by
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