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Wellnessproducts > Light therapy

Short instructions on the Lumie Arabica light therapy lamp

From the delivery of the Lumie Arabica light therapy lamp up to operational readiness, a few steps need to be taken. Prior to the first use of the Lumie Arabica, the padding used around the lamp located on the inside of the lamp must be removed. The video shows how the Lumie Arabica light therapy lamp can be put into operation. In addition to using the light, the video also shows how you can install the stand.
How can the Lumie Arabica light therapy lamp be opened, so that the cushions that protect the lamp body can be removed? The video shows how the lid of the lamp can be lifted off. Then the bulbs can be removed from the socket, so that the underlying protective cushions can be removed. Now put the lid back in place and close it.

The Lumie Arabica also includes a stand, so you can simply place the lamp on the table. This stand can easily be attached to the back of the lamp. - And just like that the Lumie Arabica light therapy lamp can serve its purpose.

The Lumie Arabica emits 10,000 Lux at a distance of 25 cm. When you are sitting at this distance from the light therapy lamp, the recommended treatment time is 30 to 60 minutes a day.
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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