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Helfe Skin Care Set against itching and for tissue repair, 4x 200 ml & 40 ml

Helfe Mallow Extract, Oak Bark Extract, Chamomile Extract, Oat Straw Extract, Mitizyn Cream

From 1 pcs: Â 64 CHF
From 2 pcs: Â 62 CHF (-3%)
From 3 pcs: Â 60 CHF (-6%)
From 4 pcs: Â 58 CHF (-9%)
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  • Extracts of poplar cheese, oak bark, chamomile and oat straw plus a Mitizyn cream from Helfe
  • Extracts of poplar cheese, oak bark, chamomile and oat straw plus a Mitizyn cream from Helfe
Extracts of poplar cheese, oak bark, chamomile and oat straw plus a Mitizyn cream from Helfe
  • Description Skin care package

    • The Helfe mallow extract has a particularly beneficial effect on the skin. A bath with mallow extract does not strain or dry out skin, but rather helps it remain smooth. This plant extract can also be used to treat dry, sensitive or irritated skin, alleviating problems such as itching.

      • Skin care for dry, sensitive and irritated skin
      • Itching relief
      • Promotes smooth skin

      Special tannins can be extracted from oak bark, which have an astringent/tightening effect. That makes them a great aid in helping the regeneration process of stressed skin. The oak bark extract can be applied in the diaper area, or used in cases of excessive perspiration and itching.

      Alternatively, the Helfe oak bark extract can also be used in sitz and foot baths.

      • Alleviates itching
      • Reduces excessive sweating
      • Relieves redness in the diaper area

      The chamomile extract obtained from chamomile flowers releases pleasant aromas when used in baths, which have a calming effect on the paranasal sinuses. The active ingredients of chamomile are also used in wound care. Thus, the soothing and calming effect of chamomile can also be beneficial in treating minor skin problems.

      • Soothing effect on smaller skin problems
      • Calms paranasal sinuses
      • Wound care

      Only selected plants are used to produce the Helfe oat straw extract. Silica, one of its main components, is particularly useful for sensitive and irritated skin. It can significantly reduce redness, itching and scaling in the long term, allowing the skin to relax.

      It is crucial to harvest the oat straw at the right time, as this will ensure it has the right amount of silicon dioxide, which plays a major role in this product. To guarantee maximum quality, Helfe has been working hand-in-hand with a Carinthian organic farmer for many years.

      • Skin care for sensitive/irritated skin
      • Combat redness and itching
      • Suitable for babies and toddlers
      • Reduction of skin scaling

      The Helfe Mitizyn cream has a very long tradition. For many decades, this all-purpose cream has been used for skin care and for the relief of various skin ailments. It nourishes, revitalizes and refreshes the skin with its mild herbal ingredients.
  • Application Skin care package

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      The Helfe mallow extract is a great skin care product for treating dry, sensitive and irritated skin. The baths help skin remain smooth without drying it out.

      Dosage for sitz and full baths:
      Adults: 50 ml (1-2 tbsp. for smaller baths)
      Infants, young children: 1 tbsp.
      Bath duration: 10-15 min
      Water temperature: approx. 35°C

      Helfe plant extracts of the highest quality: The quality of supplied plants and flowers is continuously reviewed. Furthermore, the employed vacuum extraction method, by which a boiling point is reached at around 30 °C, is particularly gentle to the heat-sensitive active substances of plants.

      The astringent effect of tannins in the oak bark extract strengthens the skin and mucous membranes. It also helps relieve itching. If used for a foot bath, the Helfe oak bark extract reduces excessive perspiration. If used for a sitz bath, the extract can even be used on infants in the diaper area.

      Dosage: 50ml per bath
      Sitz bath and kid's bath 2 tbsp
      Bath duration: 15 min.
      Water temperature: 35 °C
      Attention: it gives off color

      Chamomile is known for its calming effect. Therefore, a bath with chamomile extract also soothes irritated and sensitive skin.

      Adults: 50 ml (sitz baths and partial baths 1-2 tbsp. or more)
      Infants and young children: 1 tbsp.
      Bath duration: 15-20 min
      Water temperature: approx. 35°C

      A bath with oat straw extract has a soothing effect on irritated and sensitive skin. The Helfe oat straw extract is also suitable for use in baths for babies and toddlers.

      Dosage: For full baths, approx. 50ml, for partial baths the amount of oil should be proportional to the amount of water
      Bath duration: ca. 15-20 min
      Water temperature: 35°- 37°C

      The Helfe Mitizyn cream is suitable for skin care, as well as treating specific complaints: You can use the Mitizyn cream as a night cream for treating dry skin or after shaving. Thanks to its cooling and soothing effect, the cream is also useful for treating insect bites or mild sunburns.

      Keep away from the eyes and the mucous membrane.
      Not suitable for infants and children under the age of 3.
  • Package content Skin care package

    • 200 ml Helfe Mallow Extract (HE-3081)
      200 ml Oak Bark Extract (HE-3001)
      200 ml Chamomile Extract (HE-3031)
      200 ml Oat Straw Extract (HE-3011)
      40 ml Mitizyn Cream (HE-1002)
  • Technical specification Skin care package

    • Weight: 850 g
    • Size: 20 x 15 cm
    Published on 29.08.
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