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Filopur HU-A-CHR-P drinking water filter - also filters plastic particles from tap water

Reduces contaminants and pollutants in the water, including microplastics

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2 years

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  • Filtered tap water, free of plastic particles, yet with the important minerals and salts preserved
  • Filopur_Trinkwasserfilter_Bild3_1080x740.jpg
  • Filtered tap water, free of plastic particles, yet with the important minerals and salts preserved
Filtered tap water, free of plastic particles, yet with the important minerals and salts preserved
  • Description Filopur HU-A Drinking Water Filter

    • Household tap water is used for a variety of purposes, including cooking and drinking. Adequate filtering tap water is crucial if you want to keep healthy because tap water can contain various pollutants and contaminants in addition to microplastic particles, as has been proven on numerous occasions. Appropriate filtering is particularly important when it comes to drinking water. The taste of the water is also improved by filtering.

      Microplastics - these are tiny plastic particles no larger than 5 mm. Some particles are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They accumulate in the waste water, because they can be found in cosmetics, toothpaste and peeling products, or because they enter the sewage system as a result of washing clothes that contain synthetic fibers. The sewage treatment plants are unable to efficiently filter out these tiny particles, and as a consequence many of them reach the environment unimpeded, including natural sources of water and consequently also the drinking water.
      These plastic particles are harmful to your health because they are not suitable for consumption and also attract pollutants like a magnet, because of the features of the plastic’s surface. As recent research shows, microplastic particles can already be found in all kinds of foods, including honey, beer and mineral water.
      An effective remedy is to filter the water right before it gets used for cooking or drinking. The Filopur water filter is particularly well-suited for this purpose. It protects from microplastics effectively, because microfiltration is capable of retaining plastic particles as small as 0.4 micrometers.

      The Filopur HU-A water filter is a high-performance filter for large amounts of pollutants. It is capable of reducing bacteriological contamination, heavy metals, cloudiness in the water and even bad taste and odor. Depending on the region, Swiss tap water consists of varying proportions of sea water, groundwater and spring water. Although the water is purified to meet drinking water standards, small traces of fertilizers, medication, shampoos and detergents, which make it into the groundwater and sea water by various means, remain. And then there's still the long journey to the household through (partly obsolete) pipelines. Water standing still in the pipes can also promote pollution caused by nucleation.

      The HU water filter purifies water at the right place: just before it is drunk or used. It employs a 3-stage micro-filtration using integrated activated carbon. This reliably cleans bacteria and other impurities up to 0.4 microns from tap water. The activated carbon ensures removal of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and neutralizes bad odor and taste. The drinking water filter is installed directly on the faucet and only filters water that is actually used for drinking or cooking. This is particularly efficient and saves money.

      Filopur HU-A drinking water filter offers the following benefits:
      • Filtering of microplastics (certified by MarChemConsult, Prof. Dr. Liebezeit, 2014)
      • Elimination of bad taste and smell
      • Reduction of bacteriological contamination
      • Reduces the level of heavy metals such as lead, zinc and mercury
      • Reduction of cloudiness

      • This product is 'Made in Switzerland'.
  • Application Filopur HU-A Drinking Water Filter

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      Contamination of drinking water with plastic particles is a current issue. The Filopur filters are specially designed to also filter such particles. They were specially tested for their ability to filter microplastics (6μm and 0.5μm) and received the relevant certificate. The results are clear: The Filopur drinking water filter is capable of filtering these types of particles, reducing health risks.

      The Filopur HU-A water filter is a particularly powerful filter for large pollutant levels. It is capable of reducing bacteriological contamination, heavy metals, and cloudiness in the water and microplastic particles.

      The Filopur HU-A uses 3-stage micro-filtration with integrated activated carbon. The drinking water is effectively and reliably cleaned of bacteria and contaminants down to 0.4 microns as well as from pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and bad odor and taste.

      The Filopur water filter is directly installed on the faucet. Its installation and the replacement of the filter are easy to perform. The compact and beautiful design ideally blends in with the faucet area.

      The water pressure has to be within 1 and 4 bar. Water temperature should never exceed 35°C, as hot water can reduce the performance of the filter. - Drink filtered water within 24 hours.

      Filopur represents more than 40 years of experience in the field of water filtering in Switzerland. The patented products are 'Made in Switzerland' and certified and tested by the Swiss Association of Gas and Water.

  • Package content Filopur HU-A Drinking Water Filter

    • 1x Filopur HU-A-CHR-P
  • Technical specification Filopur HU-A Drinking Water Filter

    • Gauge: 117 mm
      Water flow per minute: 2 l
      • Color: silver
    • Weight: 1070 g
    • Size: 17 cm
    Published on 25.09.
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