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The health of the human race is integral to the philosophy at Medisana. Founded more than 25 years ago, Medisana has grown to become one of the leading specialists in the field of health care. As a result, the company has developed a high-quality line of home care products, including blood pressure gauges, blood glucose monitors, thermometers, massagers, epilators, and hand and foot care devices.
Headquartered in Hilden, Germany, Medisana has made it a goal to develop functional products that people can use and tolerate without causing themselves ill side effects. High quality design and easy handling of each product is a benchmark goal as well. The company wishes to help people take conscious control of their own healthy lifestyles by making quality medical and beauty care products available to them at reasonable prices.
Medisana has a strong team of workers, focused day and night on developing, manufacturing, and marketing the health products you find on store shelves. The caring team is experienced in the field, has an enthusiasm for technology, and shows stunning levels of creativity and motivation. Medisana International utilizes resources from around the world in the development of its products. In past years it has added an international corporate structure, forming subsidiaries and issuing licenses to distribution companies around the globe. And, if you're worried about quality, each product comes with a three year guarantee. Now, that's a great deal.


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Blood pressure meters
TENS Electrodes
Spare parts
Bits for electrical nail files
Pain reduction devices
Spare parts for blood pressure monitors
Light therapy
Body scales
Infrared heat
Heating blankets
Nail- and foot files
Air humidifiers and cleaners

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  • Warehouse in Switzerland (Widnau SG)