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5 ways to sleep better at night

In order to fall asleep more easily and to sleep better, sleeping pills do not have to be the first and only solution. There are some useful tips on how you can help your body to a better sleep.
Blessed sleep. It's something we all covet at the end of a long, hard day of juggling work, family and friends. But what do you do when the arms of Morpheus linger tantalizingly out of reach? Before you turn to pharmaceuticals, examine the host of natural solutions that are readily available.

1. Limit alcohol and caffeine in the evening: Alcohol is a depressant that can make one sleepy, but it is also very dehydrating and can disrupt sleep patterns. Alcohol also impedes the body's ability to maintain REM sleep, which affords the deepest sleep and recuperation. Caffeine, on the other hand, is a stimulant that can make it difficult to get to sleep or might cause periods of wakefulness after a few hours of sleep. Many herbal teas are recommended as a replacement evening beverage. They incorporate chamomile and other soothing herbs that help calm the mind and enhance restfulness.

2. Air circulation/room temperature: Improving the flow of air in the room and keeping the room slightly cool reduces stress on the body and allows it to maintain a deeper state of relaxation. Ceiling fans or moderate air conditioning keep the environment comfortable during hot summer nights. In the winter keep extra throws or blankets nearby for a quick cover-up should the room become uncomfortably cold.

3. Keep a regular sleep/wake cycle: The human body responds well to routine, and this is especially true when trying to manage sleep dysfunction. While one individual might function adequately with only six or seven hours of sleep nightly, another might require as many as ten hours of sleep. Allow plenty of time to conclude your nightly routine and get to bed at about the same time each night. Although it is tempting to sleep in on weekends or holidays, it is best to rise within an hour of your normal wake-up time to keep yourself from getting "too much" sleep. If you become fatigued in the course of the day, take a short, brisk walk or try a 15-minute power-nap to give you a boost through the afternoon.

4. Avoid late evening exercise and shower or bathe at night: Exercise is stimulating to the mind and body, so be sure to conclude any evening exercise routine at least three hours before going to bed. Conversely, showering or bathing are very relaxing and might help prepare the mind and body for sleep. Incorporate aromatherapy into your bathing routine to further enhance the soothing effects of the warm water. Lavender, bergamot, chamomile and sage are essential oils known to calm the mind and help to induce a deep sleep cycle.

5. Play music or meditate: Take a few minutes before dropping off to sleep to calm your mind with soothing music or a CD of the sounds of nature: the ocean, the wind, twittering birds, a babbling brook. Or relax your body through a progressive relaxation exercise. Lie comfortably on your back, arms at your sides and consciously relax each part of your body starting at your toes, moving to legs, torso, arms, shoulders, neck and face. As the tension leaves your body you feel yourself sink into the mattress. When you've completed the process enjoy the sensation of complete relaxation and sleep will overtake you quickly.

Finally, natural products, such as melatonin, can be taken at bedtime to improve the sleep cycle. Natural products may take as many as three weeks to afford measurable, dependable results. Give your body adequate time to adjust to the products before deciding whether they work for you.
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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