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Wellnessproducts > Pain treatment with TENS

Shoulder-arm syndrome, frozen shoulder

Athletes are not the only ones affected by pain in the shoulders. Triggers of shoulder-arm syndrome, or even an acute shoulder stiffness exist in everyday life. A drafty workplace, repeated unilateral movements or the overloading of a shoulder can lead to pain or tension in the shoulder.
Even spinal damage may be the cause of shoulder-arm syndrome. Indications include pain that radiates into the arm or the hand, a tingling sensation, numbness in the hands or movement restrictions. In case of intense or long-lasting pain, a doctor should be consulted. If drafts or sudden movements are the cause of the shoulder-arm syndrome, or perhaps even neuritis, as occurs in diabetics, the complaints should be treated immediately to avoid the pain becoming chronic. The acute shoulder stiffness, however, can occur suddenly and cause severe pain and movement restrictions. In this case it's also good to start a pain therapy to bring relief to the patients and to improve their ability to move freely. A muscle relaxation also helps. This is where the stimulation current therapy with TENS has proven successful. On one hand, this overlays the pain information and stimulates endogenous analgesic hormones, on the other hand, it also improves blood circulation of the respective body part. TENS is carried out by means of electrodes placed on the skin and can also be performed by the affected persons themselves.
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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