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Wellnessproducts > Pain relief with Pelvision


Vaginismus can be treated and cured in order to enable again a pain-free intercourse.
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© fotogestoeber - Fotolia.com
A vaginistic reaction is when, during an attempt at sexual intercourse, the muscles around the vagina contract without the woman wishing this to occur. This makes intercourse either impossible or only with a great deal of difficulty and pain (dyspareunia). The contraction of the pelvic floor muscles sometimes occurs even before anything, such as a penis, tampon or speculum, gets close to the vagina.

Women with a vaginistic reaction often think they are 'too tight'. However this is almost never the case. The feeling of tightness is caused by increased tension, a type of spasm of the pelvic floor muscles. This muscle tension is often a reflex action.
When used correctly, the Feminaform is a very effective device for the treatment of vaginismus. The vaginal dilator set can help break through this muscle tension reflex. This muscle tension is the underlying cause of the tightness, the burning sensation and penetration problems. The FeminaForm gives women precise control over the size, speed and angle of the object being inserted into their vagina. Specific exercises with the Feminaform enable women to practice the deliberate contraction and relaxation of their muscles to desensitize the muscles around the vagina.
The exercises related to vaginismus are more to help the women regain control of their pelvic floor muscles than to actually widen their vagina.
Published on 17.09. by
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